Monday, December 13, 2010

The Escort, the Bow and the Happy Meal

Well, Monday is over and I have a headache. It's just been a busy day. Worked until about 1.30pm, then had to go to the bank to sort out some weird issue with my key card, went home and had two coffees. Picked M up, then once H got home we all bundled into Jolene with my bow Min. We picked up some McDonalds on the way to the range that the boys ate and relaxed whilst I did some shooting.
Man, the archery was good today! I'm so happy with my results today, even on the far away targets did I manage quite decently. I was shooting like crazy; 6 arrows off in no time and by the end my shoulders were sore and my fingers too. Why? Because it was so fun and I was so happy to finally get out there. Gosh, I wish I could do it more often!

1 comment:

  1. härligt att du fick möjlighet att skjuta lite båge
    det ggör mig glad
