Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Farseer Trilogy

After everyone had left today, I went to bed to have a rest. Woke up 4 hours later! And now I've been up for a few hours and am ready to crawl back into bed to sleep all night. Yes, I believe I might be in recover mode now, it's been a long December.
Anyways, I finished "Assassins Quest" yesterday which concluded the Farseer Trilogy. There is another trilogy that follows which involves the same characters and I think I might read that too. The third book started off really good, then the tempo slowed something dreadfully in the middle and picked back up in the end for an amazing finale with dragons and stuff. But yes, in the middle there I was getting tired of all that travelling and routine and seriously, I did not need to know the details of every stone or tree they walked past.
FitzChivalry did not get the heroic ending that one might have hoped for, instead he just got to go off and be left alone whilst everyone else were the heroes. Perhaps that was the best ending for him, I don't know. He did get his revenge on Regal, which was satisfying. Another amazing character in these books has been the Fool and there is a very strong romantic feeling between the two of them; to the point where another character believes the Fool is actually a woman. Maybe he is.
I tried to find a good picture on Google of Fitz and/or the Fool but none were quite suitable. There is a lot of fan art, but none as good as the WOT stuff around.
Tomorrow is all about eating left-over food (the fridge is still full!) and taking it easy.

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