Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is it really holidays?

I went to work for the last time in 2010 today. Did not get much done; far too relaxed! Or actually, relaxed is not the word. The word is blase, I believe. I just did not care much.
After work a run-around the shops and once I got home picked M up and then we did another run-around the shops together all three of us.
The rash on my legs is just improving slightly, and it still looks quite bad. But after today I believe I have a theory and if I'm right no amount of antibiotics will help me... I think it's stress-related. It has kind of started as Christmas began creeping up on us and I know I am quite worked up about Saturday. Reasons to stress as follows.

1. 6 people are coming. That means 9 people in total, or 8 1/2.
2. Honestly, 4 of those I feel no need to impress. But there are 2 who I really want to make a good house-wife/party planner/hostess impression on. Not because they expect that, at all, but because I have set that standard for myself.
3. There has been a lot of food and drink to get.
4. Some food will come with guests; control-freaky me is freaking out about that.
5. Presents! Gosh, don't get me started.
6. Making certain it's a magical day for M. Which it will be either way, right?
7. The weather.
8. Time management.
9. Decorations.
10. Yes, that might be the bulk of it.

Then I have had work and M and general crap to deal with at the same time. Really, I can only blame myself for all of this. I didn't have to stress, and if I hadn't stressed I probably would have gotten more done (although it is all done now, I believe, apart from baking brownies and setting the table and making sure there will be ice for the esky and we might be a few forks short and we have to be at the green grocer before 9am tomorrow morning because they run out of mint really early and the unit is still quite untidy).
Either way, back to my rash! I think it will start fading on Boxing Day. I will relax and sleep in and go for a swim and a run and H is going to cook dinners and all will be good again.
Anyways, I cannot wait for Christmas! It's going to be so much fun and I can't wait for people to open their presents and all sit around and chat and have a lovely time and eat yummy food.

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