Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pill freak

Life never stops, does it? Well, that is probably a good thing since I detest having nothing to do. H comments on how I can't sit still at nights (unless reading or writing) so sometimes I'm up baking brownies at 10.30pm just for something to do!
Work today was very busy, but good busy. Lots of laughs and fun and an amazing carrot cake made by RS. Hurried back to pick M up at kindy, then took him to Woolies for groceries where I could not find either mung bean noodles or any free range chicken mince (I refuse to buy battery hen meat!), both ingredients meant for the Thai Chicken Balls I was going to make this week. Might just skip it, and make Macaroni Cheese. Again. This one just seems too hard.
Got home, made Chili Con Carne and had planned to take a photo of it but was too hungry and scoffed it down real quick. Made a salad to go with it, with radish! Yum! I love radish.
P&E are moving house back home in Sweden, really weird. But I am so happy for them, and excited. I really hope we will get to chat on the camera tomorrow. And Auntie L and Uncle P got tickets to visit Sweden next year, that is great news! First time Uncle P will visit. I just know he is going to love it.
Well, might go to bed. Had a late night coffee, but it didn't do anything. I think that means it's time for an early night. Just had one antihistamine, one iron-tablet, three fish oil tablets and one probiotic tablet. Seems a bit over the top perhaps, but the truth of the matter is that I feel much better since I started taking them. Considering adding calcium tablet too, might help me with these fragile stupid little nails I am trying to grow.
Well, that was a long rant about nothing. See you all in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Hej gumman
    Vad härligt att hitta hit igen
    jag kommer nog ha laptopen i fortsättningen så nu har jag sparat adressen i favoriter
    det känns bra i nya lägenheten börjar kännas hemma nu men det är fortfarande en aning rörigt och olika saker som ska ordnas
    vi ska till stan idag och kolla slottets bod efterr boken
    kramisar mamma
    krama marcus
