Friday, December 3, 2010

A glass of wine

What a day!
Up at 5.30am with M who is getting up real early at the moment in order to eat chocolate from his advent calendar. By about 8am we were sick of sitting at home watching kids' TV so we went for coffee and brunch at the coffee shop next to swim school. I had a huge chicken, avocado and salad sandwich on capeseed bread (it had beetroot and tomato and everything on it) which filled me up so much I didn't eat again for 7 hours!
Anyways, M did wonderfully at swim. Swimming all by himself. We jumped in the car and drove to Redcliffe (getting lost once) and arrived about 45 minutes early for the Dorothy the Dinosaur concert at the Cultural Centre. A&E were already there, so we had a coffee and a chat before the show.
M is so very totally not interested in the Wiggles & co anymore; it's all about Spiderman and Ben10 now, but yet he was up dancing having the bestest time ever. It was really great to see. And I must say the show was good, much better than the big Wiggles one at the Entertainment Centre last year. This was quite intimate in a small area, and the kids very respondent. Yes, good fun.
M and I drove home (getting lost once) and tried to chill out, but M was hyper-active and tired and pretty much... absolutely crazy in the coconut.
Well, we made it in one piece. Now he's asleep, I am having a drink and H is baking some strange tortilla thing with lots of eggs and spring onions and ham and something else... tomorrow catch-up with M's Grandma.

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