Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Yeah, so they said there was going to be a flood today. Oh well, I thought, they haven't said any warnings about our suburb and took M to kindy and took the train to work. La di da.
Then around midday I find out our suburb is getting evacuated! I called kindy and they're like yes, come pick him up, we have to evacuate but we do not know where to! So massive freak-out and tears as I am like an hour away. Jumped on crazily busy train as everyone hurried home, the mobile networks were all down and I did not know where H was and if he would get to M first, or even where M was (kindy or some evacuation centre I did not know because kindy could not call me to tell me) and also Auntie L and Uncle P are so badly affected they're stranded in their house and stress, stress, stress! Would my car have floated away and I'd be stuck at the train station? One of the worst hours of my life.
Anyways, get to our suburb. It's wet, sure, but most certainly not flooded. Well, at least not the major parts of it. So we all got home okay, and have watched the drama unfold on TV. No work tomorrow, as nobody who is rostered on is actually physically able to get in there. Let's hope the patients won't come in either, hey! :-P
Now is all about Auntie L and Uncle P. Thinking of them so much, hoping they're okay.

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