Monday, January 17, 2011

Martial Arts... no thanks!

After work and kindy and Hungry Jacks for dinner (we always do one of those when H is away, he's in NSW until Saturday) we drove up to the Martial Arts Academy.
M freaked out. Like absolutely terrified. The owner came up for a chat and gosh the man talked and talked and talked, he was very friendly but perhaps a bit much. M just sat there dead quiet.
Then we left, and as soon as we were outside he started crying, wanting his daddy and telling me he was scared, so we went home and I promised him I would never make him do karate if he didn't want to. So, that's the end of that!
I asked M, so what do you want to do? He says, play the trumpet. Well...

1 comment:

  1. Lilla gubben, det är bra att du lyssnar på honom så han får göra det han vill
    han ska absolut inte bli rädd kraken
    krama från mormor
