Sunday, January 23, 2011

What a tumultous 24 hours

Finally some peace and quiet as H has taken M to go visit Great Nana and hand-deliver birthday party invitation. I've got about 20 minutes until I have to start cooking dinner; doing chicken drumsticks today which have to sit in the oven for 45-50 minutes.
Party at I&T's was good, lots of people there and lots of kids but most of them quite a lot older than M and towards the end of the night they were getting a bit frustrated with him being all bossy-boots even though he was half their size. In the end I had to say something, so I just said "hey guys, be nice to him, he's just a little one". Not because they were mean in a way that I think he noticed, but they were totally trying to exclude him. So yeah, one of the bigger boys stepped up and took care of M after that and it was all a bit better.
When we got home H and I had this massive talk, not quite a fight as it was mainly me just telling him off and him apologizing profusely and in the end we were both in tears and I felt better and he felt awful. I won't write here what it was about, and either way it's been dealt with now and all will be well. It's been a while since I cried that much though.
Work tomorrow but then I have Tuesday off because of a roster bungle but that's okay because I plan on using that as my party-planning day. I am going to get all the drinks and food, apart from the very perishable such as fruit and vegetables, and put together the party bags and yes, just generally organise stuff. I also plan on booking a table at Norman, I'll book 12 people in and hopefully that'll work. It could be less, it could be more, we'll see. And I will go through with this. I will! Hmm... gah, shudder.

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