Saturday, February 26, 2011

An afternoon of archery and hot rods

Yesterday afternoon I finally got to do some archery again! We all went down to the range and I did pretty good, although as always I can't help to think how much better I'd be if I was able to go down more often... oh well...
After we left the range we went past Old Petrie Town and some coffee shops there seemed to still be open so we decided to stop and when we got in there we realised there was a Hot Rod thing happening there. The lady who served us at the coffee shop said they do that every Friday night. About 30 old cars, all nice and shiny and stuff, most of them those big American 60s style ones. So of course, next Friday H will be taking Jolene there too and we are going to have dinner there... so he can show her off :-)
I'm up early and the boys are still in bed. I'm going to work today, therefore no Swedish School, and H is staying at home with M. Tonight is a dinner party for WW and CMK from work at a restaurant in West End.

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