Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Caramel Date Fingers

From the Edmonds cookbook. A bit messy because I did not have all the right utensils for it, but they taste okay so will bring in to work tomorrow. Baked it whilst watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas :-). Perfect baking movie, of course. Ha!
Today has been a much better day! After work I went straight from the train to the pool and swam for about 30 minutes, gee my arms are really weak. After swim, went to the shops to post the birthday present for Uncle S-E in Sweden.
Picked M up and ignored all his attempts at naughtiness. Cooked dinner and he ate all of it. Played games until I won and he flipped out, then it was off to bed after reading 3 books. Having had that exercise really helped me deal with the afternoon.
So yes, otherwise the biggest issue of now is this crazy cyclone coming to Queensland! Cyclone Yasi, it's called and it's about as big and bad as Hurricane Katrina that devastated New Orleans. Cairns is being totally evacuated as we speak. Scary stuff. It will not reach Brisbane, but we might end up with some bad weather as a result and perhaps more flooding. Well, what a great Queensland summer this has been!!!

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