Sunday, February 13, 2011

A day of no commitments

This morning we all woke up to no commitments. That hasn't happened in a while.
Yesterday work was okay, I ended up working in surgery with the easier of the two dentists and managed alright even though I felt crappy.
Went home and after cooking dinner fell asleep. Woke up, still wearing my clothes from previous day, at 3.30am. Got up and watched some "H.G Wells Time Machine" from 1960. That particular time machine was featured in The Big Bang Theory once, so it was funny to see it. Fell asleep again, on the couch, and slept until 7am.
I feel better but still not great.
So what are we going to do today on our day of no commitments???
Lunch at Samford Valley Hotel! Yum.

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