Friday, March 25, 2011

Busy busy busy!!!

Today has been absolute madness!
Well, first off M and I had a wonderful sleep-in until 7am. We almost missed P&E because of it!
After talking to P&E we went for a coffee and then swim school. After swim school it was straight to gymnastics class where we have now signed up for the term and M got a badge and a book and stuff.
Then we went to the the State School we want M to go to and I picked up lots of paperwork to fill out over the weekend, because we are not in the catchment area of this school. The lady said though that even though she can not guarantee anything she wanted to make certain I knew that they have always managed to fit all kids in, in the past.
After that we went to the shops to go to the Post Office because I had to send some stuff off to AJ over in Victoria, because some mail has come here for him. We managed to squeeze in another coffee too.
Went home and M fell asleep, he was feeling sick yesterday and had a vomit but been all good all day, although kind of nodded off in my arms just now which is typical sick-M behaviour so I don't think he's 100 percent. Oh, I've just dragged him around to a hundred different places this morning... oops.
Beautiful K's party tonight and we're all going. That'll be heaps fun. Tomorrow is Swedish School and perhaps a catch-up with A&E. Sunday no plans as of yet.

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