Thursday, March 17, 2011

Half a head of foils

Today my good mood returned! Perhaps because it was last day of work... haha.
Big day at work, with plenty of dramas, and I picked M up straight away and we drove to the gymnastics academy and signed him up for two trial classes starting tomorrow after swim school! If he likes it, we are going to have very busy Fridays indeed! I would have preferred to keep his two physical activities on separate days, but it won't be possible for now. Oh well, we'll make it work!
Rushed home and cooked dinner and then rushed again off to the local shops for a hairdresser appointment. My usual hair dresser has moved to a different salon so I had this young chick who was lovely and didn't talk too much (I hate hair dresser chit-chat, it interrupts my reading of gossip mags!) but it was a bit worrying that she kept having to ask the others for advice... It turned out good though so I'm happy. Not too blonde this time- much better!
Anyways, off to bed. Will need plenty of sleep for tomorrow with such a busy schedule.

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