Friday, April 8, 2011

Just another Friday, I guess

Up early to talk to P&E. They got the spice! And the other stuff too.
Then off to swim school and after that straight to gymnastics where A&E were waiting for us. E is going to do gymnastics too, but she'll be in a different class because girls do different apparatus to boys. All the other boys in the group were given patches because they had reached a certain level, but there was no patch for M because he has just started and not gotten that far yet. But instead of just letting him get nothing they gave him this, so that he got to stand on the pedestal and have everyone clap their hands. I thought that was a really nice touch!

A&E followed us home and the kiddies helped me bake brownies and then eat them too, of course. It's been a good day.

Oh yeah... I'm like obsessing over Dragon Haven now. Sedric, who I didn't like at first, is an amazing character. He is becoming an Elderling from drinking dragon blood and has finally found a better person to love than Hest. Yay for Sedric!


  1. Vad gulligt att Marcus fick som alla aandra, om dom tänker på sånt är det ett riktigt bra ställe
    glömde säga tack för paketet och jordgubbsgodiset var jättegott
    kramisar mamma/mormor

  2. Hej här med...

    mammas blogg
