Saturday, April 16, 2011

Too much snot and stuff

I can't sleep because I'm feeling like poop. First of all I have that nausea, and then I also got a bad cold with snot and sneezes and sore throat and stuff. 5 hours sleep I got, but feel okay anyways this morning. Perhaps because I had 10 hours sleep the night before. We looked at another house yesterday, it was still occupied by a bunch of extremely messy/filthy renters. It was pretty cramped and that so we told the agent we might just keep looking but he is very, very much insisting on us looking at it again once it's empty because he believes it's the perfect place for us. Ha! Agents. The market is so slow at the moment and there are very few buyers around so they're all clawing at us like crazy. Five houses we've looked at now. So far I think I liked the first one we looked at the best! But none of them have been great, so we'll just keep looking I guess... Off on massive adventure today!

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