Monday, April 18, 2011


The little country town of Warwick was our secret destination for the weekend! It was a 3 hour drive to get there (up and across the Main Range- so beautiful!) and we stayed at a lovely hotel and ate plenty of yummy food and on the Sunday morning we went on a 4 hour steamtrain adventure to a little place called Clifton. H did well organising it all.
Unfortunately I was violently sick the whole time. I had basically no sleep, a sore throat and no voice, a bad cough and very upset tummy. Basically, I was a pale, shaking wreck and I lost three kilos in two days. So unfair.

Work today not much better, at least there's a five day holiday to look forward to at the end of this week.

Now off to bed. Hopefully I will get some good sleep tonight. Last night was another disaster with coughing and upset tummy. I haven't had a decent sleep in three nights...

1 comment:

  1. Låter roligt men trist att du mådde dåligt
    men hoppas du kunde njuta lite i alla fall
    tänker på er alla
    massa kramar
