Friday, May 20, 2011

Extra mad Friday

The week has been hard going, for several different reasons but today it was great!
First off M and I spoke to P&E on the webcam, then we went to the coffee shop next to swim school and shared a big breakfast. Won another toy on the Skilltester (we win something every week, it's a really easy one!).
Swim class was great, although I feel a little bit sorry for M's best swim buddy who's pretty much been told he has to straighten up his act in the next two weeks or M will be moved up to the next level without him. That's a lot of pressure on a 4-year old...
After swim we went to gymnastics where M had lots of fun and I sat curled up on that plastic chair trying very hard not to be sick. Then home for an hour for a couple of loads of washing and that, then on to the train to the city we went to meet up with one of my best buddies ever AF who is in Brisbane for a few weeks (she lives in the US now). It was wonderful to catch up, yay!
M fell asleep on the train home and once we got to our place it was a complete crazy mess because H has moved the TV into our bedroom cupboard and stuff to help with the painting and the move and everything.
On top of all of that, the paperwork from the lenders came but I am too exhausted to look at them right now. Tomorrow... after work!
Oh yeah, sorted out step 5 of the New Years Resolution yesterday. Very chuffed with myself, it was something quite different this time.

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