Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day

Yesterday was Mothers Day here in Australia.
Awesomely enough it was also the first day in weeks that both H and I were going to stay at home. So the boys got up early in the morning and made me a cup of coffee (since they know I do not function otherwise) and gave me a lovely card and a present! It was a blender! Yay, it's for our new kitchen. M had milkshake for breakfast :-)
Then we went for a drive over to IKEA for lunch and for a walk around discussing what we perhaps might get for the new house once we hopefully get to move in... after that we went past Pet City to look at finches, since we're thinking about getting some of those too.
Got home, I had an afternoon nap whilst H cooked a beautiful dinner (he made moussaka) and yes, I believe that was one of the best Mothers Days I have ever had. Too bad I felt sick as a dog through most of it though.
Work was a chore today, goodness me! H is still not home and M is in the bath, I'm having an early night... AGAIN!


  1. morsdagsgrattis i efterskott jag visste inte vi har mors dag i slutet av maj
    roligt att pojkarna ordnade en bra dag till dig
    älskar er alla

  2. Det e lugnt, det blir sa rorigt eftersom vi har olika datum. Hoppas allt ar bra med er, jag mar fruktansvart daligt :-)

  3. stackars lilla gumman
    det går över men det är ju ingen tröst just nu
