Saturday, July 23, 2011

Baby shower

This afternoon the girls at work organised a baby shower for CL and myself. It's a bit early for me of course; I'm only 19 weeks, but CL is about to pop next week so that's why! Look at some of the beautiful things I got, this is only about half of it. Wonderful. They're all so nice.
The morning was quiet, H is very sick and we just stayed at home and relaxed. We'll see what happens tomorrow; hopefully we'll catch up with Uncle G who is in Brisbane for the weekend.
Auntie L and Uncle P are on a plane to Sweden now. I am so happy for them, and perhaps a little bit jealous. Ha ha.
Obviously, something awful happened in Norway last night, but I don't want to talk about that here in such an otherwise happy post. Just know there were lots of tears in the morning from both myself and H.

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