Saturday, July 9, 2011

Friday funday and Saturday workday

Yesterday was M and mummy Friday fun day, as always. I started early with a chat to P&E which M missed because he was asleep. Then he woke up and the first thing he asked was if we were going to talk to them. When I told him I already did, he got super angry. Oh dear.
Swimming was good and he behaved really well at gymnastics and at Woolies too, so we had a fabulous day yesterday. Hooray for that!
Today I went to work. M didn't want me to and tried to stop me. Well, once I was gone he ended up having a great day with daddy going to Bunnings and boy-stuff like that. I had a fairly cruisy day at work and was very proud to not fall to temptation and drive-through at McD's on the way home even though I was so hungry I was sick. Nah, drove all the way home without stopping and ate a can of baked beans. Good on me.
Tomorrow H's uncle and auntie S&S are coming over for morning tea. We invited them over, haven't seen them in ages. Then M and I will catch up with A&E in the afternoon.
Busy, busy, busy. Just how I like it.

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