Monday, July 11, 2011


Yesterday was very hectic and by the end of the day I was incredibly sleepy. Couldn't sleep too well during the night though, so this morning I was nodding off on the train to work. Work was chaos, amongst other things because I decided to DIY-fix-the-dental-chair and made it worse and the repair guy had to come in a great big rush. He was all good, he was just laughing at me. I've known him for a long time so he knows I don't usually break stuff. Ha.
Also, my ortho retainer came loose so KL fixed it for me, which was very nice of her. I bought her a box of chocolates as a thanks, will bring them in tomorrow.
Slept on the train home (yes, seriously) and woke up when my phone rang. It was kindy; M was in a great urgent need to do a number 2 on the toilet but refusing to do it at kindy (he's getting very particular about things like that) so I rushed there to pick him up and took him home where he spent like half an hour on the loo.
Then we went to the shops so I could post the last few episodes of Game of Thrones to Uncle P and Auntie L. Now M is watching TV and I'm on here wasting time, and H will be home in an hour or so. I haven't had a coffee since 9am- to make certain I'll sleep well tonight. Probs be in bed at 8pm. He he he.
Tomorrow A Dance With Dragons come out. Crazy, huh?

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