Monday, April 8, 2013

Sore back!

I think I must have been sitting funny on the assistants chair in the surgery today. Because my back is quite sore, on the right hand side halfway down. Hopefully a good nights sleep will help! And tomorrow I am on desk so no leaning over patients all day.
The weekend was crazy! Started early Saturday morning going in to get Little J out of bed and realising she had pooped big time and some of it had ended up on the bed sheets and SHE WAS EATING IT! YUCK! So lots of disinfecting and rinsing, whilst H gave her a bath to clean her up properly. Then straight off to work for the day!
Sunday took M to swim school in the morning, bringing Little J along because H was asleep after a big night out for J's party. Once H woke up, we all went to DFO and I bought a couple of tops. Yay.
Today was work, and tomorrow too. On Wednesday we are catching up with SBLL, and on Thursday with ZW from school and in the evening I got a hair appointment. Friday is work again, Saturday is optometrist appointment and H is working with GT. He is working with GT on Sunday and Monday too.
So busy days ahead. Hope my back gets better!

1 comment:

  1. Det låter som du har suttit snett
    ischiasnerven som kommit i kläm
    hoppas det släpper fort
