Yesterday a very good friend of mine came over to our house. It was lovely as our boys play so well together. I was also a bit stressed out about it, because she has a superclean and immaculate house (she's got a cleaner, and other people helping her, but either way; it's very clean) and our house is... well, not. Lol.
So I cleaned up downstairs pretty good after work on Tuesday but never managed to properly sort out upstairs. And funnily enough, after they left I realised the skirting boards in the toilet were super-dusty and she went. Lol, I was so bothered hey. ANYWAYS!!!! Ha ha ha...
Today we are going to this free thing at the shops, and then Woolies. Might take them over to the park across the road too. So yes, just a quiet one.
Tomorrow is work/kindy/vacation care. On Saturday we are going for a big drive to some national park that H wanted us to visit. That will be so great. Sunday is swim school and not much else planned.
Next week I am working Monday, Tuesday and Friday. On the Wednesday we are going to Burtons Circus! I CAN'T WAIT! On Thursday we are catching up with SBLL at PowerKids in the morning and then H and M are going to the movies with AA from school and his dad.
School holidays almost over then, back to term 3. Very exciting!
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