Thursday, December 12, 2013

Go Wolverhampton!

So last night, after a week of M constantly and nervously talking about it, it was finally time for the 5-a-side Grand Final. The team that they were up against had not lost one single game throughout the tournament so were definitely the favourites. I was expecting them to be super-good considering their results.
So the game started and almost straight away M's team scored. And from there on they never really lost control of the game. The other team had some lucky shots and managed 3 goals, but M's team scored 7 and could have scored another 5 really, that's how superior they were.

M just gave it all, I have never seen him so determined. All of the boys gave 110%, it was amazing. And they won, and the happiness was indescribable. I have never seen him so happy, I swear. It was such a joy to watch.

The boys won tickets to a Roar game, so they are all going together once the manager Amy organises it. And during the school holidays one of the families is having a BBQ at the pool at their house. I think this is so good for my little man; for his confidence and also for getting some beautiful new friendships. Yay, hooray, so amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Härligt mormor och morfar är stolta och gläds med Marcus
    massa kärlek till er alla
