Wednesday, December 18, 2013

School holidays have begun

First week of school holidays!

We got M's report card last week, and he got the highest mark in English, Maths, History, Physical Education, Music as well as for his behaviour. All other marks were the second highest, apart from Science again but that was with a different teacher and perhaps he just didn't enjoy her classes that much. 
On Monday I didn't have a shift at work, so M and I went to his school friend EF's place for a swim in the pool in the morning and then we took the train to the city for a bit of shopping and fun. Best day ever!
Yesterday I worked so M was at vacation care and they went to the Ginger Factory. Today and tomorrow we're home so this afternoon we are going to the Daycare Christmas Party and tomorrow not sure yet, nothing planned.
Next week is Christmas week, I am working Monday, Tuesday and Friday all day so H will be home with the kids and will have to cook them food and stuff. Hi hi hi. 

1 comment:

  1. duktiga fina Marcus mormor är så glad att det går så bra i skolan
    och nästa vecka får pappa vara duktig när mamma jobbar
    går säkert bra
