Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Schizophrenic gargle

Tired. Oh so effing tired. Stayed up late last night enjoying the silence and the time to myself. Then once again M woke up at around 2am. He cuddled up in bed with me and I spent the following 3 hours getting kicked by small but very strong feet. He always wakes up when H is away, every night.
Work was good today. Schizophrenic gargle! Big tongues! Ha ha, 15 amalgams. Then I ordered stock and somehow managed to spend $800. I wonder what D&J will say when they come back from holiday? Oh yeah, we got some stuff. It cost a bit. Sorry! Please don't kill me...
Watching the contenders for this years Eurovision on youtube. The Swedish one is cute, but is it a winner? We will see! It could be. Also watched Norways fiddler winner from last year. He has the same hair as Kasper of Volveon.
No trip to Sydney after all. It was just too expensive. Sucks big time. Getting lots of writing done because there is nobody to talk to after 7pm...
Yes, feeling a bit lonely tonight and depressing shit aplenty in the book I'm reading which doesn't help of course.

1 comment:

  1. Trist att det inte blev något med Sidney
    kanske nästa gång han är iväg
    kram mamma
