Monday, May 24, 2010

There is nothing like a surgical extraction...

... to start off your week!

Ah, I love my job. It certainly isn't what I ever thought I would be doing, but hey, whatever right? I think the word "whatever" is my favourite. What does that say about me? Hmmm...
Anyways! I love going to work. So there you have it. Dental assisting rocks. Film making sucks... oh well, maybe not. But i am still very happy doing what I'm doing.
M went to kindy today and we had MASSIVE drama when picking him up this afternoon. One of his friends had somehow managed to wriggle into M's very special Spidey jumper and refused to take it off. Oh there were tears, lots of it. M because he was despairing about his jumper and the other little boy because he did not want to give it up. Finally kindy teacher sorted it out. More tears. M and I ran away (with jumper). We have agreed to not take that particular item of clothing back to kindy again.
Finished Clash of Kings last night. Started Storm of Swords. Enjoying Jaimes POVs. It's fun to look through the eyes of someone who everyone else have despised for the past two books. My first thoughts about Jaime is that he is kind of a tragic character. Well, in a way all the characters in A Song of Ice and Fire are tragic, aren't they?
My favourite is Tyrion of course, and Arya too. Least favourites are Davos because he's boring and Sansa. The only good thing about her was her weird thing with the Hound and now he's gone...
Oh, and yes. We might be going to Sydney after all. Yay!

PS. Best pic of Jaime ever.

1 comment:

  1. Låter som en bra och spännande dag med lite drama och annat
    Håller tummarna för Sidney för er
    Förkyld men glad ändå
    kramis mormor
