Saturday, June 12, 2010

Another beautiful day in Calvert

Yes, it was. There is nothing like fresh country air and a few beers to make you feel more relaxed. Especially in such good company as P&L. Even did some driver instructor work for L as we went down to bottleshop to get more drinks. She did well!
So finally got a picture of Jolene to share, taken on H's mobile phone. Isn't she beautiful?

1 comment:

  1. Bra att ni haft en fin dag och bilen ser så fin ut
    Meddelandet fungerade inte jag tror inte min telefon fixar bilder Jag vet inte
    Vi har varit på Trosa marknad och shoppat lite och ätit räkmacka och haft det mysigt med Mona och Ulla-Britt
    kram till er alla tre
