Friday, July 16, 2010

Late night last night

We had dinner with Uncle G at Chermside. M didn't fall asleep until like 10pm, but he was still up at 6am with us. Not enough for my little 12-hour-sleep-boy so he's having an afternoon nap now, after big morning with swim class and a trip down to the shops for coffee and cookie.
Nice catching up with Uncle G, who by the way is one of M's biggest heroes. I had three glasses of white wine and was therefore all chirps and fun. Yes, good evening with good friends. Muchly needed.
Have not had any time for writing in days, and I mean proper writing time and not half an hour here and there. I only get decent things done if I do like 2 hour stretches. In the middle of writing about the tribe, which is always a chore. Why oh why did I make them all so freaking difficult? The other locations and characters are heaps easier, and more rewarding to write about too.
Still nooooooo word from the Demons. Maybe they're on holiday? Maybe they're asleep? They extended the deadline themselves to allow more time, and now we're halfway through the month already and yeah... freaking nothing is happening. I don't get it.
The picture of today is the cover for e-book for COT, my least favourite WOT book. It does portray one of the most powerful moments in that particular book. Perrin and his axe.

1 comment:

  1. Hej gumman
    Jag glömde att säga hur mycket sista kapitlet påverkade mig jag längtar tills jag får läsa mer
    Jag tyckte så synd om alla som egentligen säkert var så glada att mötas igen men så mycket som hänt ligger emellan
    kramar i miljoner
