Friday, July 30, 2010

On the mend.

Yesterday was a killer at work! OMFG. But I got to work with D for the first time in a long time, which was really neat and almost made up for not having a coffee break or even time to run to the toilet between 8am and 1pm. Actually, it was all kind of fun in a way.
But I was very tired last night, yet I stayed up to 11.3opm watching Big Bang Theory marathon. So we're going to swim today, then I have to go put a ridiculous 700 Swedish crowns into The Demon account because they reckon that particular amount is not under negotiation (apparently they haven't made their decision yet, it's all so freaking confusing!). Whatever Demons. Have your 700 crowns now, and we'll see what happens later... biggest sigh ever.
This afternoon we were supposed to see SBLL but it has been postponed a week, then A&E invited us to come along to the Pine Rivers Show but I am just too unwell to deal with THAT. Must recover enough to deal with archery tomorrow! Woo hoo!!!
And yes, feeling better. Not sitting on desk yesterday was the best decision ever, even if I had to deal with amalgam fillings that shattered, mercury floating around the drawers, emergency extractions, root canal treatments in a mad rush and the rudest patient in the whole wide world.

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