Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bah humbug

M is in a terrible mood today. It kind of all started last night when he outright refused to go to bed. He was up until 10pm, when I went to bed, but woke up at 5.30am still in the worst state ever! Didn't want to get dressed, eat breakfast or brush his teeth. Would not put his jumper on even though it's cold, wouldn't even say hello to best friend C when he arrived at kindy. Was kind of a real relief to drop him off at 7am I must admit.
He behaved at Woolies when we did the groceries, but then once we got home it was all bad. It's quite upsetting I have to say. I think it's because H is away. M hates it, absolutely hates it. Well H is back tomorrow and all will be well again. I just have to survive tonight!
Work was great, had some really old patients in today who I've seen for years now. And one of them told me her life story and there were tears and everything. Tomorrow it's swim school and then playdate with A&E. A is organising this UnderCoverWear party and wants me to purchase stuff from the catalogue. I have this sneaking suspicion it's not going to be my type of stuff... but perhaps I can find something for mormor?
Reading The World of The Wheel of Time is sooo interesting. Wow, Lews Therin Telamon was a pretty awesome guy hey! Makes me itch for Towers of Midnight, real bad.
Will try to write tonight. It's hard though, stupid stupid tribe! I think I am getting somewhere though, after a million different changes. The last thing I have to decide on is WHY, OH WHY does Oliver not talk to Aona about how he feels before he totally snaps and all hell breaks loose?


  1. Hei frøken.

    Vi leser vet du. Men er ikke alt man kan skrive i en kommentar for verden å se. Ang Why, oh whyen din. Må ha han noen grunn? Ikke at jeg vet hva boken handler om altså. Men noen ganger så er det så mye som skjer og skal gjøres på en gang at man blir helt nummen, så man gjør ikke noen ting. Ikke noe stort bare slik det er.

    Klemmer fra norskedama.

  2. Hej tjejen! :-) Laget?
    Oliver ar en jatteidiot, kan man kanske saga. Det ar en av anledningarna till att det kan vara svart att skriva om honom ibland. Eftersom jag bara ar lite idiot. Ha ha!

  3. Laget er vel bra. Jobber for fullt med teateret mitt. Puh. Du finnes jo ikke idiot så da skjønner jeg at det kan være vanskelig. Men du har jo møtt noen idioter i livet ditt så da putter du alle de inn Oliver. Fin måte å få ut frustrasjon på selv. hehe.

    Klem ND
