Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Missing my monkey

Halfway through my me-day. So I dropped off M just after 7am, then went home to do some writing waiting for the shops to open. Went to Chermside at 9am, had coffee and breakfast at Zarraffas, bought Wheel of Time Facts book and a keyring for myself (keyring is of little geisha who signifies harmony, thought that was appropriate) and of course I had to buy something for M so I got him a new card game, called the Very Hungry Caterpillar. Wandered around aimlessly at Chermside, noticing how many kids were there, thinking it'd be nice to have M with me...
Come home. House is empty, no M. I am having my me-day finally after like 8-9 months and I miss my monkey so much!!! How typical. Not used to being all alone. Will move on to chores now, not terribly exciting but satisfying still.
The biggest most amazing news of the day is of course the new cover for the Knife of Dreams e-book. It's beautiful! One of my favourite scenes in the whole series; Semirhage attacking Rand who can't jump out of the way because Min is standing behind him. Ends with him loosing his hand, but Semirhage gets what she deserves later on. The only thing I'm not too sure about is Min, she isn't supposed to be so doll-like pretty. At least not how I imagined her. Either way, isn't it beautiful?

1 comment:

  1. Hurra min kommentar var kvar
    och du saknar lilla Marcus det är fint
    det är svårt att vara ensam när man inte är van utan alltid brukar ha skrutten där när man är hemma
    Jobb för mig idag
    kramisar mamma/mormor
