Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Distinctions (TofM prologue)

Was released today as an ebook and is freaking not available to people outside the US. Like, I tried to buy it from Barnes&Noble... but no can do. Then checked Dragonmount, and yeah. Everyone is having the same issue, it seems. I really, really wanted to buy it properly to support Jordan/Sanderson but now I might just have to turn to illegal-download-savvy work colleague. And perhaps pay her like $20 for the bother. Yes, I am happy to pay that much! But nobody else wants my money...
Anyways, I finally went to bed last night without even having the energy to look at my book. Just totally depressed all day. And today at work was only slightly better, because it was very quiet and I had very little to do which left me with too much time to think. Fortunately a big family with four young boys came in to see the dentist and entertained me for a while.
Got home and we had no electricity. It came back on after like an hour and now there are Energex-people fixing stuff around the corner from our unit.
Picked M up early from kindy because I missed him so much, and then we went and had coffee and some food at Coffee Club. Now home, he's watching Ben10 and I'm on computer. H home very late tonight...
Good thing! My mummy got her present, the jumper I bought for her from UnderCoverWear. And she likes it... well, she says she does. Either way, I'm stoked!!!

1 comment:

  1. Den är jättefin fick massor av beröm på jobbet idag för att jag var så fin
