Wednesday, September 22, 2010

There was a huntsman spider on my arm

I just screamed!!! It must have jumped on me whilst I was downstairs doing washing and then started casually walking along my arm. I noticed it once it left my sleeve and moved onto my naked arm. I screamed in fright, spider jumped in fright and landed on wall. We both took a moment to calm our nerves. Hey, lucky it didn't bite me. It was a huge one too, one of the biggest I've ever seen.
That's probably the most exciting thing to have happened today. Oh wait, no! We got approval from body corp to put solar panels up! Yay. H will most likely get on to that on the weekend, if I know him. So superkeen. He's a solar panel installer. Bye bye $300 electricity bills...
Still no luck with Distinctions. Illegal-download-savvy work colleague spent heaps of time trying to find it last night, but with no luck. She reckons it might be up in a couple of days. She has been great trying so hard. Even if she doesn't end up finding it, she most definitely deserves present. I love tea-presents myself, both to give and to receive.
Anyways so I did what I had promised myself not to do. I went in to the spoiler section of my favourite WOT-forum. And now I sort of know what happens, and I actually feel less anxious. Ahhh.
H is back. He is cooking dinner tonight. Life is great.

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