Friday, September 17, 2010

The Great Hunt is over

Yes, this morning got up and there it was. Readable first chapter of TofM, about Mat. It's good, although I still don't quite think he gets Mat perfectly right. I can't pinpoint it though, perhaps he just isn't sarcastic enough? Like it's a bit too flat. Anyways! Whatever! It's almost here and I am so excited I could squeek! Chapter was a bit of an introduction really, and ended in a cliffhanger as to be expected, but I must say I loved the bit about Teslyn. That just made the wait worth it.
So spoke to P&E this morning, they were back from trip to Helsingfors (Helsinki, that is). Good chat, as always. M has watched Ben 10 Alien Force this morning, and once the load of washing is ready, we might wander over to the shops. There are actually a few things I want to do at the shops, all depending on M's cooperation of course. New clothes, perhaps might finally get some make-up, see if I can get a hold of another one of those cookbooks, a few groceries to last until Sunday and then coffee and cinnamon toast at Coffee Club.
Did some good writing last night, this new POV I'm working on is shaping up nicely. It's pleasant to write about someone who is calm and collected, after the chaotic state of mind of my previous POV. Gives a better idea of what is really going on too, because he is standing back watching it all observing quite accurately. It's needed, an accurate and not too emotional depiction. The biggest challenge really is remembering how little he knows about what has happened in the past.
H home this afternoon! Yay!

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