Friday, September 24, 2010

Just the average Friday madness

It has been such an exhausting day. I'm totally pooped. First got up early to talk to P&E, then M's old neighbour friend Z popped in and within minutes his dad was like, "hey, I'm just going out for a while, see ya" and yeah. So M and Z played for about half an hour, and once his dad came back we had to rush to get to swim school in time. M did well at swim as always. Straight back into car, off to Toombul shops. Met A&E there at McD (they had no sushi, only McD?!?!) and I ordered a grilled chicken salad which was actually really nice! Anyways, we wandered around the shops, M and E holding hands very cutely, and then it was Scooby-Doo time.
Tried to do some shopping for myself, but it was just impossible. So gave up, went home and M fell asleep in the car. H is home early, asleep too. He is still feeling unwell from last night.
If I was smart I would probably have a lie-down too. But I'm not. And the moment M wakes up all rejuvenated and full of beans after his sleep... well, then I'll totally regret not having laid down.
Oh well. There is always more coffee.
The highlight of my day was just before Scooby-Doo started. Like 50 kids and their parents sitting in front of the stage and suddenly "Macarena" comes on and this overweight kid with thick glasses gets up and starts dancing. He totally knew the moves, including a very enthusiastic bumshake, and did it with total seriousness. I'm pretty sure he might have had some mental disability. The beautiful bit though was that at first the other kids were kind of laughing at him (and the adults were too) and that, but as the song progressed and then was followed by "The Chicken Dance"... well, at the end almost all kids were dancing with him and everyone were clapping and cheering him on. And his mum sat there, looking so happy. Yes, that was great.

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