Sunday, October 3, 2010

20 yards

I finally moved up at archery today, up to 20 yards. I have to make 40 yards to get my clearance. Did alright too. The coach told me today the training I had at the other place probably has not done me any favours, because they provided me with a sight there. Interesting, hey? He said I would not have learnt anything that way, and that is why I've been struggling here.
When I got home, I was exhausted so had some Panadols, went to bed and slept for two hours. Woke up in a weird state that not even two coffees helped. We went to Woolies to pick up a few things, then H made beautiful dinner with lamb chops and veggies. After the food I feel much better. I think I might not have eaten enough today, and that was why I wasn't feeling right. All I had before dinner tonight was toast for breakfast and a banana after archery.
Oh well, feel much better now! Working tomorrow. Big weekend, hey. Will go down and exercise tonight for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Roligt att du kunde skjuta idag
    och att det gick bra
