Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Not going to work. Yesterday was tough, because I had nausea and dizzy spells and just felt really exhausted. So since RS was superkeen on an extra shift today, I gave her mine and now I have just dropped M off at kindy and don't have to pick him up for like 8 hours. Time to relax and recover.
I am going down to the shops in a couple of hours because I want to have a neck and shoulder massage. That is one of the things bothering me, especially my neck is really stiff and sore. Otherwise will do some light housework, some writing and then lots of staying on the couch watching TV. I think that is all I am going to handle today.
Oh yeah, this is the inside of my wardrobe door where I keep some special memories. I couldn't fit all of it in, but there are M's art, giraffes, photos of friends and family, cockatiels, some birthday cards and of course my ticket to Pearl Jam last year. And in the reflection of the mirror you can see my spread sheets for the Volveon Trilogy and L's portrait of me :-)
Lots of love, hey?

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