Monday, November 1, 2010

Chocolate Lace Crisps

So today has sucked big time!!!
M has conjunctivitis, therefore no kindy for him. Had to call the boss in the morning and then SMS'd people trying to find someone to take my shift. Fortunately SF did, thank goodness for that!
Went to see Dr Mark (M was totally excited about it, actually) and got the eyedrops we always get. He's had conjunctivitis lots of times before. H will stay home with him tomorrow so I can go to work.
M has been an absolute terror today. I've been concentrating on my breathing, in order to not scream from all frustration. But now he's had a couple of hours of sleep and is much better behaved.
This is what I made whilst he was sleeping. From the Chocolate Book I bought a while back. Bringing them to work tomorrow. They're supposed to be round, but I tried to fit too many of them on the one oven tray... oh well. H thought they were great, and M too.
And yes.... tomorrow is Towers of Midnight-day!!!

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