Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halfway through...

... Towers of Midnight. Not sure what I think. Might have to re-read it after I'm finished. I mean, Rand is awesome and there are some great battle scenes from the Borderlands, but Perrin is doing my head in! Nothing is happening, except for running with the wolves again and again and again. Gah. I know he's supposed to do something amazing later on in the book, but right now I almost feel like skimming through the bits about him.
Mat is entertaining enough, although he's still not quite right. Elayne is just as dumb and stupid and annoying and idiotic as she has always been. Egwene and Aes Sedai politics is getting tiresome, there was too much of that in the previous book.
Best scene so far though, and perhaps the best scene in the whole series must be Rand walking up to his dad, embracing him, apologizing and crying in front of everyone. Then to turn around and introduce Min to his father. Wow. That was amazing... sooooo amazing. Well, I am a girl. We girls like that stuff. I am enjoying the battle scenes too though! Ha ha ha...

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