Friday, November 5, 2010

So much pain!

I have just woken up, and the pain seems to have gone. My whole face is aching though, and my jaw is not working properly and lots of disgusting stuff is coming out of my ear.
I have had another bout of an insanely aggressive ear infection. Last time was years ago, before M even I believe. The pain comes on really fast (as in today, about half an hour whilst on the train home), completely knocks me to the ground and no pain killers help, throbs for about 4-5 hours.
Then suddenly there are lots of weird noises in the ear; as in clicking and bubbling and stuff and slowly the pain subsides. I had two more codeine tablets around that time, fell asleep as soon as the pain went and woke up about half an hour ago. It's not completely over, but it's heaps and heaps better.
So, definitely visit to the doctor tomorrow. I didn't go to the doctor last time, but I really want to now. Just for him to check out that all is still okay. The pain... wowsa, it's full-on. So bad I get dizzy and eyes roll back and everything.
Obviously there are other things I could write about tonight, but I might just leave it at that and return in the morning. Good night.

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