Thursday, December 16, 2010

Late night shopping

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick!
That is me going through my Christmas shopping list. Just back from two hour stretch at Chermside. Almost there now!
So yes, doctor today. He put me on antibiotics because I have scratched it so bad it's infected. Hopefully that'll work. Right now it is taking all my strength NOT TO SCRATCH! AAARRRGGHHH!!!!!
Otherwise, biggest thing about the day has been the storms. It looks like it's going to be a wet summer.
Crazy weekend coming up. Tomorrow Friday is last swim class of the year, then groceries and then kindy Christmas party where I am going to see my little M dressed as an angel. Saturday I am working and H is doing a job so M will be over at BSMD's house. Sunday Christmas catch-up with A&E and then cruise on the Brisbane River with H's work mates.
Yes... this is December. Favourite time of the year...
H bought me flowers yesterday, for no particular reason. Isn't that nice?

1 comment:

  1. Hälsa Haydn att det gör mig glad att han ger dig blommor
    Dom var så vackra'
