Friday, December 17, 2010

Nativity Play Day

H had an RDO today so we have had a family day. After talking to P&E on the webcam we went to the last swim class of the year and M got to give a Christmas present to his swim teacher. She was really surprised, and stoked. It's a box of chocolates and a photo of M in the pool.
We had a beautiful brunch at the little coffee shop and then M and I went to do groceries. M wanted me to make brownies for the kindy Christmas party so I did.
The Christmas party was chaotic as these things always are, and once it was time for the Nativity Play M decided to be grumpy and stand to the side and pout through the whole thing. Oh well. His Grandma and Great Nana were there too. Lots of food (apparently H heard people saying how awesome the brownies were) and Santa handed out presents.
Funniest thing though. My bosses D&J won at the kindy raffle- and they won one of the prizes I had bought! Bah ha ha!!! The Director even commented on that.
Had pizza for dinner, M in bed early after a very long day. H is watching Gangs of New York on DVD and I have been writing. Very close to the end now. Sooo exciting.

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