Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wednesday between Christmas and New Years

Woke up at 7.15am because M came in to inform me that Uncle G was in fact asleep on our couch. Got up, had breakfast and took M to kindy (he was very, very excited about seeing his friends). Came back home and went on the cross-trainer (doing it early in the morning was not as great as I thought it was going to be, I was too sleepy) and once I got back upstairs H was awake, but Uncle G was still sound asleep.
Took a punctured tyre to the mechanic, sent an overdue birthday present off at the Post, bought milk and bread, developed some photos, came back home. Uncle G was still asleep on the couch.
Then he did get up! We all sat around chatting for a bit and then H took him home. I did some writing; pretty much certain I'll be sending the end of Book Two off to my readers tonight, and then once H got back home we picked M up and went to the public pool for a dip. M was such a good swimmer and had the bestest time ever.
Cooked dinner and now it's bedtime dramas with very overtired and naughty little boy.
Oh yeah, we got no painting done of course.

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