Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Day after the Party

Woke up at 7am this morning well rested and happy. Yesterday was madness, it started at 5am with opening pressies and birthday song and then H drove to the park and managed to get the best spot there by being very early.
I made sandwiches and went to Woolies to buy fresh hot dog buns, then M and I left for the park too. There was so much food and decorations and stuff to organise. Then the party guests started to arrive; beginning with two Spidermen and one Wonderwoman. And more and more showed up, some people were quite late for different reasons but I think the only ones who missed the BBQ were Auntie L and Uncle P who had to take the Smudge to the vet.
M just had the most amazingly best day ever. I wish I could put pics up here of all the fun he and his friends had but I won't. We did a Spiderman pinata and a pass-the-parcel and they sang the birthday song and everyone loved RS's cake and their party loot bags. It was slightly more chaotic this year because the kiddies were more full of beans, but it's all part of the fun I guess.
Anyways, 2 1/2 hrs later it was all over. Auntie L and Uncle P helped us clean up and came over to our place for a while. Driving home was scary, because I was exhausted and drained and struggled to keep my eyes open. Then Grandma and Great Nana showed up and that was lovely; but by then I had had 3 beers and was in an awful state of tiredness and confusion.
So, once the house was empty again I went for a half hour walk to wake myself up (since coffee was proving completely useless) and when M fell asleep at 8pm I went to bed too and slept soundly and wonderfully well and I now feel much better. And incredibly relieved.
Today H had to work so M and I are going to the shops to print party photos and get thank you cards and to have some coffee at Michels. We also have to get groceries, which won't be a big deal since H will be away all of next week so we only need the minimum (M and I eat less together than H does on his own).
Off we go, for a nicely slow-paced and beautiful Sunday...

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