Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's raining...

But not much, just a light sprinkle really.
So, it's Saturday today. M and I were at Woolies early this morning to do groceries; once again that was a wise decision as milk is still in short supply because one of the major dairy factories is under water in East Brisbane. There was very few veggies; either the shelves were empty or the stock was old. The veggie man told me it'll all get better in a few days, as I grabbed one of his last bags of carrots. So I got some frozen vegetables too, that'll do for now.
Did not have to get too much food today because H is off to NSW tomorrow morning and he will be gone all week. Not looking forward to that, but yeah.
Want to get down to the range today, since H will be away tomorrow I can't go then. Hopefully this rain eases soon so that will be possible.
E-mailed Svenska Skolan yesterday but have not heard back from them. Might drop in at the local Martial Arts Academy next week sometime; looked on the internet and they do classes for 3-7 year olds at 3.30pm and 4pm during the week. That works quite well for us. It really depends on how M feels about it, and the price of course. But I won't let the price deter me too much if M is keen; he only has one extra-curricular activity at the moment and that is swimming which we don't even pay for (P&E send money) and Svenska Skolan is supposed to be quite cheap.
I do think M needs activities; he is not the type of child you can put in front of the TV for hours at end. He always wants something to do; go to the shops, or the pool, or play cricket or ride his scooter. Constantly. I think karate will be good for him, as long as he likes it of course. We would never pressure him into doing things he did not want to do.

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