Friday, February 18, 2011


Getting awfully tired of not having air-con in the car... especially after spending a couple of hours driving today. So sweaty... blah!
Well, we had the usual Friday morning routine; up early to talk to P&E and then off to swim school. H is at home sick today, but he didn't come to swim because straight after swim M and I drove to the southside to catch up with SBLL at Lollipops. Such a great day, as it always is.
M fell asleep on the way home and since H didn't take the mince out of the freezer like I had asked him, I have just declared tonight to be take-away-night! So KFC or similar will be served on our table tonight, and I don't care. Whatever!
Happy to hear my uncle had a great 70th birthday party on Tuesday and that he liked the pressies I sent for him. Also Stage 1 and 2 of New Years Resolution has been completed, well done Annie. Now just got to put some thought into Stage 3.

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