Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami in Japan

More natural disasters... what is going on? First the floods and the cyclone here in Queensland, then the earthquake in Christchurch and now an earthquake and tsunami in Japan...
Is Mother Earth trying to tell us something? Too much tragedy this year...
In my little life it has all been well today though. Swim school and groceries and a plumber came to change our water tank (very cheaply because H knows him, he he). We were going to go to the range and the hot rod show tonight but H is drinking beers now so it won't happen. Not too worried, I think I'm a little bit over the archery to tell you the truth. I just wanted that range clearance so freaking badly and worked superhard for it and once I got it it's like there's no more goals really... just going there for a casual shoot from time to time. Doesn't feel very important because I have nothing to prove to myself anymore. Also I don't have anyone to shoot with and that makes me even less inclined to go. Meh, I don't know...
Tomorrow I'm working and then dinner with work at Southbank to say farewell to TW who is moving to Taiwan. Sunday we are going to Calvert to meet the new possum babies (and to see Auntie L and Uncle P too, of course).

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