Friday, January 17, 2014

Last week of school holidays!

It's been too busy to update, but finally we are facing the last week of holidays. 
It has been hectic, and a lot of time spent at pools and such. It's been very hot. 
My highlights have included catching up with wonderful friends, and seeing my kids enjoying time off. 
We have been getting heaps of movies out from Blockbuster and been eating popcorn whilst watching them.
It's been good! Next week is the last week, and then it's back to school for Year 2! Can't believe it!!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

School holidays have begun

First week of school holidays!

We got M's report card last week, and he got the highest mark in English, Maths, History, Physical Education, Music as well as for his behaviour. All other marks were the second highest, apart from Science again but that was with a different teacher and perhaps he just didn't enjoy her classes that much. 
On Monday I didn't have a shift at work, so M and I went to his school friend EF's place for a swim in the pool in the morning and then we took the train to the city for a bit of shopping and fun. Best day ever!
Yesterday I worked so M was at vacation care and they went to the Ginger Factory. Today and tomorrow we're home so this afternoon we are going to the Daycare Christmas Party and tomorrow not sure yet, nothing planned.
Next week is Christmas week, I am working Monday, Tuesday and Friday all day so H will be home with the kids and will have to cook them food and stuff. Hi hi hi. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Go Wolverhampton!

So last night, after a week of M constantly and nervously talking about it, it was finally time for the 5-a-side Grand Final. The team that they were up against had not lost one single game throughout the tournament so were definitely the favourites. I was expecting them to be super-good considering their results.
So the game started and almost straight away M's team scored. And from there on they never really lost control of the game. The other team had some lucky shots and managed 3 goals, but M's team scored 7 and could have scored another 5 really, that's how superior they were.

M just gave it all, I have never seen him so determined. All of the boys gave 110%, it was amazing. And they won, and the happiness was indescribable. I have never seen him so happy, I swear. It was such a joy to watch.

The boys won tickets to a Roar game, so they are all going together once the manager Amy organises it. And during the school holidays one of the families is having a BBQ at the pool at their house. I think this is so good for my little man; for his confidence and also for getting some beautiful new friendships. Yay, hooray, so amazing!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Little J turns 2

What a day! I'm so tired and sunburnt, but very happy. The day started early with me and M going to swim school. Once we got home, Little J and H were just waking up so we sang her a song and gave her some presents. She got a Peppa Pig puzzle, Peppa Pig pencils and a purple tutu. 

Then it was madly rushing around organising the food and picking up the cake and at 11am everyone showed up to the party! 
The kids all had a great time, and everyone ate lots of food, and one of the chickens escaped up in a tree so everyone was trying to get it, and it was success all around.

Most people left around 1pm, but the A's stayed until around 3pm I think, which was great so we all could have a proper chat. And Uncle P and Auntie L and Little D left at around 5. Even Uncle G came around in the afternoon to wish Little J a happy birthday!

M just said before falling asleep, that it had been the best party ever. And Little J fell asleep singing "Happy Day to you, Happy Day to you". So I think they were both quite happy!
Tomorrow is back to work. Next big hurdle is Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Last night for the first time I got to go see M play 5-a-side soccer! 

His team won 6-3, it was a bit of a nailbiter as it was 2-2 at half time! Had to bring Little J, who is still a little crook, but she slept the first half and then ate chips the second half so she was all good!
It was really lovely actually, because I got to meet all the parents of the kids that M will be playing with next year as well, and they're all so lovely and welcoming. It was wonderful! 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Four days to go!

Starting to get sorted with the party planning for Little J's 2nd birthday Farm Animal Party!
Instead of making a cake, we decided to buy a nice Cheesecake Shop one. Also got the party bags sorted, and today I bought heaps of candy for the pinata.
On Saturday we will get sausages and bread and fruit for the fruit platter, then on Sunday just the ice hopefully!
We are only having four families coming, firstly E&M and S&J&W from school, then B&L&L from mums club, and then little DM of course. And also Grandma, and all the parents associated with previously mentioned children. So looking at around 20 people all up probably. Two families couldn't make it, so that's why it's a bit smaller this time around.
Got a chequered table cloth and Auntie L and Uncle P are bringing chickens and hay bales. 
I think we will be all good! Hooray.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Candy canes for the class mates

Today M and I made these. They are candy canes wrapped in colourful paper, held together with ribbons and a tag saying "Merry Christmas from M". One for each friend in class, he's going to hand them out on Monday.
Last night was work Christmas party, which was alright. We left before dessert because of the kids being tired. Then at around midnight Little J woke up burning hot. She had a temp of 39.4! So Panadol helped, and today she's been up to 39 twice so we've had to give her more Panadol. Poor little monkey.
We were all going to a Christmas party with the car club tonight, but I'm staying at home with our sick little girl and the boys just left. Such is life, hey...

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Christmas shopping in full swing

Doing well on the Christmas shopping!
Finished all the Swedish ones and posted them today, to make certain they'll be there in time. Also got the books for the kids for kindy Christmas party, the Secret Santa for work party, presents for the R kids, present for Dudde, and one of the presents from Santa for M. 
H and I are buying a wading pool with a cover for the kids, for them to share during the summer months, and one gift each from Santa (or maybe two) and that's it. We are keeping it low-key this year due to monies. 
Tomorrow is work Christmas party, should be interesting to see how Little J fares at night time. We haven't done that before! Saturday night is car club Christmas party. So yeah, here we go! The silly season is upon us.... still got to get through Little J's birthday party too!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Soccer Christmas Carnival

I know this is not enough for morfar; but at least something! A photo from soccer this afternoon, of M throwing in a ball from the side!

Well, I am finally getting better! It's been a long week, oh my goodness. I started feeling sick on Monday, just a cold I thought with lots of snot. Then at work on Tuesday I was so tired (I had antihistamines for the snot which really messes me up) and I went home after just two hours. Tuesday night I started vomiting uncontrollably and running high temps, and on Wednesday morning I dragged myself into the doctors and got a Maxolon shot to stop the nausea. The doctor was worried it was my appendix, thankfully it wasn't!
Spent all day Wednesday asleep, on Thursday I stayed on the couch pretty much all day too weak to move.Yesterday I went to work, but it was a bad idea because the most horrible cough started and I had no voice. By the time I crawled home I was such a mess, I thought I was going to die. On top of it, I have eaten almost nothing since dinner on Tuesday (which I had then vomited), apart from some crackers, chocolate, fruit and one Big Mac that made me feel sick again.
Today though, it's been better. I got my voice back (although it's very croaky) and the cough has subsided. I only had 4 hours of sleep last night because of the cough but feeling positive that tonight will be better. We went to a birthday party in the morning and I had some jelly snakes and forced down a Cheerio. 
Still not much appetite, but from memory that might take a week or two. Yes, I've had this before. Twice. The doctors have no idea why it happens, but I reckon it's exhaustion. Funnily enough, after the rest on Wednesday and Thursday it's been back to business as usual.
I am feeling pretty good now though, but the house is a mess lol!

Thursday, November 21, 2013


M and I have been having a lot of fun with a new app I downloaded where you can play around with effects on photos on my phone. Here's some of our creations...

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Some pictures from our trip. It was really nice. Maybe not precisely what I needed, but really nice either way.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

More clay

I'm really enjoying this at the moment.
Big week it was.
Worked as per usual during the week, then on Friday night M had school disco. Today we went to a birthday party at the park, which was ridiculously hot and bothersome. Then I went to the shops to get some stuff and enjoy air-con and peace and quiet. Bought some stuff for Little J's birthday party as well, yay.
Tomorrow it's swim at 7am, then breakfast at the O'S's house at 9am and then we are going out for lunch with JV and B at Kedron Park Hotel. In the afternoon I've got to drop the finches off at A's house because she's babysitting them while we're away.
Monday morning we're off to Yamba for three nights. A holiday, unbelievable.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Painted lady

I did it. I think she's quite lovely.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

My first ever Khoresht

Finally trying out the Saraban Persian Cookbook. This is Khoresht E-Aloo; lamb with prunes and honey. Fingers crossed it tastes as good as it looks. I will know in 2 hours time...
And yeah, no prunes in there yet. They go in at the end.

ADD ON- 2 hours later!!!

Looks pretty different hey... H loved it, the kids not so much. Very rich, and incredibly flavoursome. Wow.


Air drying clay for $3 at Officeworks. I made this little lady last night. Both H and M thought the hair was some sort of snout and that she was looking down. But no, she is looking up at the sky. She is almost dry so I am hoping to get some time to paint her tonight.

Nengy and her Makka

Little J has never been much interested in the TV, well until now.
She has really gotten into In The Night Garden, and especially the character Makka Pakka. She loves him so much.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

Tonight was a big one, because for the first time we were having friends from school over for the event. We had SH and her little brother, EF and CP, which meant lots of fun and screams and chaos.
I made the usual slimy cauldron which nobody ate because it's yucky, and then these witches hats that were a pretty big success.

 Lots of trick-or-treaters early on in the night. All up probably 40-50 kids.

EF and SH eating Halloween treats, and M hiding under the chair.

M with CP who I believe is his new bestie.

Best photo of the night; M with some of the older trick-or-treaters.

OMG shoes

Beige shoes. Nice and neutral, so between these and the black ones I should be all good for whatever life has in store for me! Including wedding on Saturday.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

She is all ready!

I finished my papier-mache witch today! She has purple hair and a black hat. Isn't she lovely, and aren't I totally proud LOL.
Three friends coming from school tomorrow, just for an hour or so. Bought all the ingredients for the slimy cauldron so M and I can make it tonight. Tomorrow I am dropping Little J off at kindy, so will have the day to myself for some cleaning and chocolate witches hat making and of course decorating the front porch.
I really hope we get lots of trick-or-treaters this year, since we got friends coming over. Next year Halloween falls on a Friday, so definitely doing big Halloween Disco or something with everyone from school. Oh well, that's a year away. Let's worry about that then, hey?

Monday, October 28, 2013

Scary faces

Made by M and myself. We did a couple of layers of papier-mache over a balloon, then painted them. Tonight we are cutting up the Jack O'Lantern pumpkin woo hoo

Fossil bracelet

Went to DFO yesterday. Got some much needed stuff, and this beautiful bracelet. Usually $129; I got it for $38 something. Yayness big time!!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My very own Alice

I have loved Starr's paintings for quite some time, especially her Alice in Wonderland ones. But her Alice ones are either huge ones costing $8000-9000 or limited prints at $400 each.
So last Thursday we went past the Redcliffe Jetty Gallery and there was this Alice for $1265, a perfect picture. It looks heaps better, yes outright amazing, in real life. So beautiful.
After hassling H for a little bit, we went back and put a deposit on it. Our first proper fine art purchase.
Funnily enough, now H wants to buy a painting for the Red Hill Gallery too, I think he's caught the fine art bug lol

Naughty Girl

There are marshmallows in that red container!!!!
She is standing on the corner with self-raising flour. What a naughty girl...

Me and M out for a walk

I love this picture. M and I have been going out for walks after dinner every night, sometimes we walk down to Blockbuster but sometimes we just walk to the end of the street and back (about 15 minutes all up). It's nice time just the two of us and he talks my ears off of course, but it's so lovely.
So yes, this is from Monday I think and I had a huge day at work and M a huge day at Vacation Care and we're both tired but very much enjoying our little walk in the fresh air!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Meeting Durian

Haven't been blogging much lately, been too pre-occupied.
But today we went to see little DM, my first ever nephew who is only 4 days old. Here's a bunch of pictures...